A Day As A CBS Entertainment Intern


Timeline: September 2019-December 2019

7:30AM: Wake up, shower, and makeup!

8:30AM: Drive through Beverly Hills to get to work! No traffic because I’m driving in the opposite direction of rush hour :)

9:00AM: Stop at the Starbucks near the studio! Iced white chocolate mocha with soy milk no whip~

9:15AM: Arrive to the gate at CBS and drive up 6 floors of the parking garage because all the other floors are taken by production crew. I leave my car with the valet because all the spots are taken.

9:30AM: Arrive in the office, walk into my office (yes I got my own office!!), log into my computer and catch up on emails, look at my calendar, and check in with my supervisor on what needs to be done for the day. Start my Daily Media Sweep where I highlight happenings within entertainment that focus on diverse peoples or stories. I send this out to my team, and then we tweet out our favorites.

10:00AM-1:00PM: Database and spreadsheet time! I track all the diverse talent throughout all TV networks and update our database. I create and update spreadsheets of CBS Talent for internal use.

1:00PM: Young StoryTellers! Every Thursday we go to a local elementary school and work with our mentee on helping them create a 5 page script on whatever kind of story that they want!

2:00PM: Lunch! Sometimes I bring my own lunch, sometimes I go to the cafeteria we have, but today I walk to the Trader Joes to grab something to eat from there.

3:00PM: Team meeting! Discuss what things we’re all working on. Share the work we’ve been doing. I go back to working on my duties. Open canva and start working on some ethnicity infographics to send out to other departments.

6:00PM: Time to head home!